Obamacare News Blog

Man to read the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

So if you have been following this blog, you know the good folks at Medicoveage allow me to speak my mind on anything regarding health insurance and reform. I think they know that I don’t have a heavy political agenda and they have a good bit of tolerance for my unorthodox grammar and spelling. My latest goal is to read through the new health care reform bill page-by-page and squeeze out all the juicy stuff and they are ok with that. 

Just in case you were misled by the title, I will not do it in one sitting but I am going to read it every day until I finish it. I’m going to try to have daily short entries about what is in there and how it may affect you. I’m going to share things with you that may not see on CNN or FoxNews twenty-second-news-bite.

First of all, I must tell you that it’s a rather thick document. Put it this way, the BMI (body-mass-index) on this book would not meet most health insurance underwriting requirements for approval. Even the title is long. Get this: they call it the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Title I: Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans - Subtitle A: Immediate Improvements in Health Care Coverage for All Americans.”  Regardless of the name, at slightly under 2000 pages there is a lot of information to digest. It will no doubt provide me with a plethora of Health Insurance related material.  I might even find something humorous in there. Who knows because I’m guessing no one has actually ever read it.

My first entree will be on new rules for preventive care like visits to the OBGYN.  Men this will affect you too!  Enjoy…I know I will.

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Comment from Marcus Wilip on April 23, 2010

Thanks Wayne. The health insurance bill has been a slow but interesting read. I will have a new post up shortly. What’s the location of your facebook page on health insurance so we can check it out.-MW

Comment from Wayne Crabb on April 09, 2010

Outstanding and thank you. just started a fb page health care reform bill the good the bad and the ugly. I have no agenda other then i want to understand this bill and help others do the same. thanks for your efforts, happy reading, Wayne Crabb

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