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HomeTonik Plans › Tonik Connecticut

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Tonik is no longer available to new members. If you are an existing member looking for information about your plan, please contact us. If you are looking for an alternative to Tonik, please consider the following:

1) Speak to a licensed Agent about alternative plans at 800-930-7956
2) Get an Instant free quote for currently available new plans on hompage.
3) Visit to apply directly for a new plan.
4) Hit the chat button below for online assistance.

Tonik is no longer available to new members
What's Covered Under Tonik
15 Minute Application

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Tonik is no longer available to new members. To research alternative plans please visit our online quick quote tool.

If you are an existing member, there has been no change to your plan. Check out our member page here.

Basically there are 3 Tonik plans to choose from:

1. Thrill Seeker (AKA Tonik 5000)

2. Part-Time Daredevil (Tonik 3000)
3. Calculated Risk Taker (Tonik 1500)

All three plans offer $10 generic prescription drugs, low copays for doctor visits and $100 copays for the Emergency room (deductible waived)

Learn more about Tonik under the Getting Started Tab.

The average price of Tonik for someone under 30 ranges from $105-$203


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Connecticut TONIK plans include coverage for:
• Doctor visits
• Generic prescription drugs
• Specialists
• Traveling out of state
• Emergency room
• Surgery etc.
• Ambulance
• Basic dental
• Eye exams

What's not covered: Maternity .




If this guy can fill out the application in 15 minutes then so can you. Over half of all Tonik applications are approved within 15 minutes.. Apply for Tonik Insurance.

The application requires the latest version of flash. Download it here:


Which Doctors Accept Tonik?

Tonik is a PPO so you can select from any doctor in the entire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Tonik Network. Questions? Check out the FAQ's

Already a Member? Click here

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